Jane and Hal's West Coast Trip
Summer 2006
Portland Oregon
Sunday, Aug 6, 2006 - Arrived about 5pm at the Portland Lucia Hotel. Walked over to the Pioneer Courthouse Square where they were having "senior prom" with all the seniors in Portland gathered. They had free food - no line at the veggies - long line at Ben and Jerry's. Took the free trolley to the river walked around and took a trolley back to the hotel.  

Had dinner at Henry's Tavern - had 2 of 100 brews, shared tower of onion rings then both had burgers.

We then strolled over to Powell's the largest book store we had ever seen. Both new and used. Sort of a combination of the biggest Barnes and Noble combined with the Strand and multiplied by 10.

Of course we checked for Mark's book and found two copies on the shelves. We of course made sure it faced out.
Monday - August 7, 2006 - Had breakfast at Pete's coffee shop on the next block from the hotel  
We then headed out east ward on 80 to see the Bonneville Dam and Mt. Hood. The first stop was the incredible Multnomah Falls
Then on to the Bonneville Dam. The photo on the right is a blade from the turbines that are powered by the Columbia River.
We were able to see the fish ladders that enable the Salmon to swim upstream and over the dam. There are a set of 62 steps in the ladder - that enable the salmon to gradually climb up over the damn. Amazing.
We then went on a tour of the actual damn with a Park Service Ranger
Continued drive to Mt. Hood. Stopped at the base of mt hood - Timberline Lodge and had some lunch. Jane had a blt and hal had a chef's salad. Got a call from our doorman about a problem. With the help of Monica, Bob and Mark it was resolved.
Back to the Hotel Lucia for a rest. Then walked to Higgins restaurant. Hal started with some local Champagne. Not bad. Jane had a zinfandel. We shared a chacroute plate. All home made sausages. Terrific. Jane had a vegie plate of fried squash fritters. Hal had an australian cab with his pork loin dish. Finished the meal with an apricot cobbler with vanilla ice cream.  
Tuesday - August 8, 2006 - Had breakfast at the Starbucks Pioneer Courthouse Square and then headed toward Seattle. We both loved Portland and were sorry we did not schedule more time there. A city we would definitely return to. Portland seems like an eminently livable city.