Jane and Hal's West Coast Trip
Summer 2006
Mt. St. Helens
Tuesday - August 8, 2006 - Stopped at Mt. St. Helens on the way to Seattle. Magnificent. Unreal. Fantastic. The valley floor leading up to the volcano is desolate - little vegitation, moon like.  
Very unique experience. This is a live volcano. It is generating tons of lava every second. In 80 years it will completely recreate the dome top (unless it blows up again first). The force of the big one in 1985? tossed these logs around like they were toothpicks.
There are continual minor earthquakes all the time on the range of 2 - 3.5 on the richter scale.  
We even experienced a 3.5 richter scale volcano while we were there.  
  We bought some hot dogs and drinks at a "trolly" outside of the observation station and contiued on to Seattle.