Jane and Hal's Trip to France
Summer 2005

La Fargo
Tuesday - August 2 - Left Mas d'Entremont and had some cafe au lait and croissants. Jane was not feeling well and had some tea. We then headed west, past Arles onto Aigues Mortes in the Camargue. On the way we stopped for some honey and tapenade at a little farm stand.
  Aigues Mortes is a lovely walled town with lots of tourists. We had lunch (sandwich mixte) and walked around the town a bit. Purchased some lavender sachets and salt.
  We then got back on the highway and drove past Narbonne to get to Lagrasse, a lovely tourist town in the middle of the Corbiers. We proceeded to La Fargo, only to find it deserted with a sign saying they were full but the restaurant opens at 6. We drove some down the most magnificent scenery anywhere. Unbelievably beautiful. We headed back and waited until about 5:55pm when Dominique Morellet showed up and showed us to our room. We rested until dinner time around 8:30. Played with the 500 plus satellite TV system. The YES network was listed but we could not get it.


We had a lovely dinner, starting with some Kirs and local olives. Then a wonderful cold tomato soup (gazpacho). Then Hal had a seafood salad and Jane had grilled eggplant. We both then had Dorade, and a bottle of local wine. The cheese course was delicious followed by a creme brule for Jane and chocolate mousse for Hal.

  Christof Morellet came over to the table to serve the wine and we mentioned how much he looks like his brother Florent. He replied that they both took after their mother, and Florent especially did so when he was dressed as a woman!!!!
  Wednesday - August 3 - We had a wonderful breakfast of cafe au lait, toast and home made jams, including kiwi, fig and honey. We then headed off for Lezignon (about 30km) for the local market. It was very interesting. Not a tourist mecca, but rather a place for the locals to shop for everything from fresh fruits and veggies, prepared foods and clothing. It was not high end stuff but rather indicative of a small farming region which is the Corbieres.


We then headed south to see Peyrepertuse, a Cathars castle atop a mountain. We passed through beautiful countryside where just about every possible place had a vineyard! The Corbieres is one of the largest wine production areas in all of France. They make up in volume what they lack in quality! There does seem to be some movement towards increasing the quality of the local wine - but they seem to have a long way to go.

  We got to Peyrepertuse and drove as close to it as we could get but decided against the long walk to the actual castle. We then headed back to La Fargo.

Dinner was wonderful. We started with some Champagne (see wine above). Then the wonderful gazpacho was served in a tiny cup. Hal had delicious shrimp with a tropical fruit melange flowed by chicken satay. Jane had lamb chops.

Dominick Morellet was a charming hostess. We just loved La Fargo and would love to return some day.

  Francois Morellet, Florent and Christof's father is a well known French artist. We have seen his works in the Pompidou Center in Paris as well as at a one man show at the Jeu De Paume in Paris. The construction/painting hangs in the common area of the hotel.
  We hated leaving La Fargo, the Morellets were wonderful hosts, we had a great time.