The Sager Family Website

for the descendants of Sarah Sager 1875-1954

Website Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Website is to provide accurate and helpful information about The Sager Family Legacy. Specifically, this Website was designed to help foster the creation of a complete and comprehensive Sager family tree, family history, medical history, individual biographies, photographs, documents, newsletters, or various other content as provided and/or requested by the members of the Sager family. By authorizing the Founders of this Website to use your personal information you have acknowledged and fully understand that your personal and/or private information such as your name, e-mail address, occupation, education, spouse, children, domicile, date of birth and other pertinent personal information will be displayed and made available to other members of this Website. No member(s) of this Website may access personal and/or private information about any other member(s) of this Website without first registering with the Founders of this Website. This Founders of this Website encourages open and free flowing communication and healthy dialogue and exchange of information among family members. While the Founders of this Website fully recognize and respect the participants' rights to freely express themselves and/or their feelings on this Website, the Founders do not condone any attempts by anyone to use this Website for the purpose of displaying intentionally offensive, harmful and/or disparaging content about any individual family members. The Founders of this Website reserve the right to expel or otherwise revoke the privileges contained in this Website of any members or participants who attempt to use this Website for any unlawful or otherwise immoral purpose, subject to the sole discretion of the Founders. Any information published on this website which you consider harmful, offensive or derogatory, regardless of whether it was intended to be humorous and/or sarcastic, should be brought to the immediate attention of the Webmaster. The Founders have attempted to provide comprehensive FACTUAL information about family members. Please notify the webmaster if any information is not correct."
