Lamster Family Website

for the descendants of Zelig Moishe Lamster

Copyright Notice

All materials contained in this website are the copyrighted property of the individual members and Founders of the Lamster Family Website. The biographical information, photographs, graphics, texts, and other materials on this site are supplied by the members of the Lamster Family for personal, research, and nonprofit educational purposes only. Permission to reproduce these in any form must be obtained in writing from the Founders of the Lamster Family Website. Responsibility regarding questions of copyright, photographic releases, and invasion of privacy that may arise from such use are assumed by the user. Copyright for some material(s) on these pages may be held by others. The transmission or reproduction of these protected items, beyond that of fair use, requires the written permission of the copyright owner(s). Additionally, copyright on other materials appearing here may be difficult or impossible to determine; nevertheless, determinations of appropriate use are the responsibility of the user. The authors and publishers and/or their respective suppliers make no representations about the suitability of the information contained in the documents and related graphics published on this Website for any purpose. All such documents and related graphics are provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind.
